123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115 |
- const path = require('path')
- const webpack = require('webpack')
- const CompressionWebpackPlugin = require('compression-webpack-plugin')
- const GenerateAssetPlugin = require('generate-asset-webpack-plugin')
- const Timestamp = new Date().getTime()
- const createServerConfig = function (compilation) {
- let config = { version: new Date().getTime() }
- return JSON.stringify(config)
- }
- const resolve = dir => {
- return path.join(__dirname, dir)
- }
- // 项目部署基础
- // 默认情况下,我们假设你的应用将被部署在域的根目录下,
- // 例如:https://www.my-app.com/
- // 默认:'/'
- // 如果您的应用程序部署在子路径中,则需要在这指定子路径
- // 例如:https://www.foobar.com/my-app/
- // 需要将它改为'/my-app/'
- // iview-admin线上演示打包路径: https://file.iviewui.com/admin-dist/
- const BASE_URL = process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production'
- ? '/'
- : '/';
- const ip = ''
- //const ip = 'https://cfm.bytesail.cn/api'
- const ip2 = ''
- module.exports = {
- devServer: {
- port: "8081", //代理端口
- open: false, //项目启动时是否自动打开浏览器,我这里设置为false,不打开,true表示打开
- headers: {
- 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*',
- },
- proxy: {
- '/cloudApi': {
- target: ip2,
- ws: true,
- pathRewrite: {
- '^/api': '/'
- }
- },
- '/api': {
- //本地服务接口地址
- target: ip,
- //远程演示服务地址,可用于直接启动项目
- //target: 'https://saber.bladex.vip/api',
- ws: true,
- pathRewrite: {
- '^/api': '/'
- }
- },
- }
- },
- // Project deployment base
- // By default we assume your app will be deployed at the root of a domain,
- // e.g. https://www.my-app.com/
- // If your app is deployed at a sub-path, you will need to specify that
- // sub-path here. For example, if your app is deployed at
- // https://www.foobar.com/my-app/
- // then change this to '/my-app/'
- publicPath: BASE_URL,
- // tweak internal webpack configuration.
- // see https://github.com/vuejs/vue-cli/blob/dev/docs/webpack.md
- // 如果你不需要使用eslint,把lintOnSave设为false即可
- lintOnSave: true,
- chainWebpack: config => {
- config.resolve.alias
- .set('@', resolve('src')) // key,value自行定义,比如.set('@@', resolve('src/components'))
- .set('_c', resolve('src/components'))
- },
- // 设为false打包时不生成.map文件
- productionSourceMap: false,
- configureWebpack: config => {
- // 开发环境不需要gzip 生产环境时清空所有console
- if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') return
- else config.optimization.minimizer[0].options.terserOptions.compress.drop_console = true
- config.plugins.push(
- new CompressionWebpackPlugin({
- // 正在匹配需要压缩的文件后缀
- test: /\.(js|css|svg|woff|ttf|json|html)$/,
- // 大于10kb的会压缩
- threshold: 10240
- // 其余配置查看compression-webpack-plugin
- })
- )
- config.plugins.push(
- new GenerateAssetPlugin({
- filename: 'version.json',
- fn: (compilation, cb) => {
- cb(null, createServerConfig(compilation))
- },
- extraFiles: []
- })
- )
- config.plugins.push(
- new webpack.ProvidePlugin({
- $: 'jquery',
- jQuery: 'jquery',
- 'window.jQuery': 'jquery'
- })
- )
- config.output.filename = `js/[name].${Timestamp}.js`
- config.output.chunkFilename = `js/[name].${Timestamp}.js`
- }
- // 这里写你调用接口的基础路径,来解决跨域,如果设置了代理,那你本地开发环境的axios的baseUrl要写为 '' ,即空字符串
- // devServer: {
- // proxy: 'localhost:3000'
- // }
- }